Do Not Be Afraid Of Work

Well, this requirement is essential to any worker; but we are highlighting it because the field of advertising is hard in some aspects; as in which the days can get to be long and exhausting. Many projects require great dedication to carry them out and patience to deal with clients; So if you are one of those who leaves the office at the end of your work schedule, then you better think about dedicating yourself to something else. This does not mean that it is a slave job: for those who enjoy the rhythm, this is the ideal job.

Ability to work as a team

Advertising is a collaborative work environment: to carry out a project, it is necessary for it to go through different stages and in general, it is managed by a whole team, not just by one person. The work of each of the people is key to the success of a campaign: from the creative to the community manager, the account manager or the web designer to name just a few. That the concepts, ideas or purposes of the team are unified is essential; and not only is reaching an agreement with colleagues: then there is the agreement with the client. So that all this does not overwhelm you and keep you motivated despite the discrepancies, it is essential to know how to work as a team communicating your ideas and listening with the same respect to others.

You have to know how to sell yourself

As much is repeated in the world of advertising, the most important product you will have at hand is and will always be yourself; so knowing how to promote yourself is fundamental. Of course, words have to back them up with facts, so everything you say about yourself and what you promise you have to be able to fulfill it. The best thing is that to demonstrate that personal marketing has something to sustain yourself; you have a work folder that supports what you say. If you have no experience, do not hesitate to include the work you have done at the university or, in the last instance, the ones you have created (even if it is not for any specific client) and only for the fact of acquiring practice.

In addition to the mentioned characteristics, to work in marketing and advertising you have to be restless, precise, rigorous, somewhat non-conformist (but not wholly obsessive), know how to write well, be persuasive and very passionate. As David Ogilvy said, known as the father of modern advertising, “We are looking for people who have ideas in their heads and fire in their guts.”

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